that takes prenex QCIR as input and translates it to QDIMACS.
Non-prenex QCIR is not currently supported by this tool.
that takes prenex QCIR as input and translates it to QDIMACS.
Non-prenex QCIR is not currently supported by this tool.
Download: qcir-to-qdimacs.py
Usage: python qcir-to-qdimacs.py input.qcir -o output.qdimacs
For the opposite
direction, to try to reverse-engineer QCIR from QDIMACS, see
from GhostQ.
Input: fig1.qcir | Output: fig1.qdimacs |
#QCIR-G14 forall(v1) exists(v2, v3) output(g3) g1 = and(v1, v2) g2 = and(-v1, -v2, v3) g3 = or(g1, g2) |
c VarName 1 : v1 c VarName 2 : v2 c VarName 3 : v3 p cnf 6 11 a 1 0 e 2 3 4 5 6 0 6 0 4 -1 -2 0 -4 1 0 -4 2 0 5 1 2 -3 0 -5 -1 0 -5 -2 0 -5 3 0 -6 4 5 0 6 -4 0 6 -5 0 |
Note about the VarName
lines: The converter tries to preserve the
names of input and gate variables. However, if it cannot do so for an input
variable (either because the variable name is not a positive integer or because
it is larger than the number of variables), then it produces a
line that records what number the variable has been mapped
to. This can be turned off with the "--keep-var-names 0
" option.